Monday, 26 August 2013

Week 6: Hyper-realistic tattoos (A picture a day)

Tattoo of eye

Mechanical Grey Tone Tattoo 

Moth tattoo

Hyper-realistic tattoos are tattoos that look real like photographs. Realistic Tattoos are the modern day form of fine art. Tattoo realism is an art form that not all tattooists can manage. I had friends who had tattoos before I enrolled in NAFA but they mostly had typography type of tattoos. Some of my classmates have nice tattoos and they really got me interested in it too. This made me went to research more about tattoos. I am particularly interested in grey tone tattoos. I love how it provokes a very classy and vintage feeling to a person. Although I would not really consider to be a tattoo artist in the future, I would definitely want to take up an apprenticeship in a tattoo parlour next time to learn an extra skill. I guess I enjoy the feeling of seeing my art being showed off.

Tattoo-mania knows no bounds. People addicted to the ink on the body, at times, seem to be insane to even the most experienced tattoo artist. Sometimes they are asked to make obscene or realistic drawing of a little eerie. 

If I ever have a tattoo, I would want a half-sleeve or full sleeve on my left arm. Preferably a grey tone kind of tattoo. I would not mind flowers, insects, of mechanical kind of design. But before that happens, I still need to save a lot of money cause a tattoo of that size can cost $1000 or even more. I hope one day one of my friends would be a tattoo artist, so I might have the chance to get it at a cheaper rate.

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